004 | Couples Therapy 101, with Tarah Stowell, LCSW

My colleague and friend. Tarah Stowell, LCSW, is a therapist who normally only works with individuals. Lately, however, she began working with a couple and found herself out of her depth, as the approach to, and dynamics of, couples counseling is very different. So she gave me a call looking for tips and graciously agreed to let me record our conversation for this show. So join us for an insider’s look at how to approach a couples therapy session.


  • Not all "couples" counseling is actually couples counseling.

  • A solution-focused approach vs. identifying pathology and dysfunction.

  • "Guy-friendly Therapy."

  • How men and women are often acculturated in their emotional training and the difficulties it causes in relating to one another.

  • Couple dynamics

  • Do you stay neutral as a couples therapist or do you challenge and confront?

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005 | Getting GREAT with Relationships: Meet Jonathan Sherman [external podcast]


003 | The "Our Way" Marriage Plan: The vital importance of premarital and early marital counseling [external podcast]